生産現場を熟知する工場インフラのプロ集団として、エアーコンプレッサー&塗装設備を中心としたソリューションを提供する株式会社A&Cサービス。tegusuでは同社のCI開発に伴い、ブランドパーソナリティやVision/Mission/Valueの整理、タグラインの策定、Visual Identityやイメージボードの制作、オフィスツールの作成などを行いました。
A&C Service Inc. is a group of factory infrastructure professionals with a thorough understanding of manufacturing production sites. Through the provision of air compressors & painting equipment, they provide optimal solutions for factory operations. tegusu developed the company's CI by organizing the brand personality and Vision/Mission/Value, formulating the tagline, creating the Visual Identity and image boards, and creating office tools.

photo : AAA Studio

Co-creating new value and contributing to Japanese manufacturing."
In developing the CI for A&C Services, a new vision was set forth. This vision represents A&C Service's commitment to lead the industry by creating new value together with our customers and partners through services that fit the times. We simply visualized the company's aspirations through the shape of the symbol and the composition of the letters of the "A&C" alphabet. For the logotype, we used the grotesque sans serif style Helvetica, which is both versatile and powerful. It represents A&C Services' philosophy of shaping new standards in the industry while maintaining a thorough understanding of factory infrastructure.

A&C services convey important messages through the "co-creation margin," a space in the lower left corner where a triangular symbol is placed in Visual Identity. The symbol changes into various icons depending on the services offered by A&C. This represents the spirit of A&C Services, which always leaves a margin for customers and partners to get involved and work together to create new services that meet the needs of the times.