2013年に世界遺産に登録された富士山がある静岡県は、富士山の他にも日本一のお茶の生産地として知られています。I Know Japan “Japanese Tea”は、静岡県静岡市において70年続く老舗企業の日興美術が、高い品質を誇る自社の印刷技術を通して、静岡のお茶文化を世界に発信することを目的に発行された写真集。お茶の歴史や伝統、現代におけるお茶文化の広がりなどを、美しい写真と文章により紹介しています。tegusuでは、この写真集のブックデザインを担当しました。
Shizuoka Prefecture is where Mt. Fuji, which was selected as a World Heritage site in 2013, is located. Besides being famous for Mt. Fuji, it is also known to be the largest producer of tea in Japan. I Know Japan “Japanese Tea” is a photo collection published by Nikko Graphic Arts, a long-established company which runs business in Shizuoka-city, Shizuoka Prefecture, for 70 years, using their own high quality printing techniques of which they boast. The purpose of publishing this book is to introduce Shizuoka’s tea culture to the world, and the book tells you about the history and tradition of tea, the extension of tea culture in our time, and so on, through beautiful photographs and writing. tegusu handled the design of the book.
CL:日興美術株式会社(Nikko Graphic Arts Co., Ltd)
Photography:Akiko Oshima
Book Design:Masaomi Fujita(tegusu)

本書はI Know Japanというシリーズタイトルの通り、「日本文化」を伝えることを大切にしており、表紙も「日本らしさ」がダイレクトに伝わるもの、という定義のもと制作されました。日の丸のモチーフと金箔で印刷されたタイトルや、お茶の花のシンボルがそれを伝えています。お茶の花のシンボルは、中面の地紋やポイントでキービジュアルとしても機能しています。
本書はI Know Japanというシリーズタイトルの通り、「日本文化」を伝えることを大切にしており、表紙も「日本らしさ」がダイレクトに伝わるもの、という定義のもと制作されました。日の丸のモチーフと金箔で印刷されたタイトルや、お茶の花のシンボルがそれを伝えています。お茶の花のシンボルは、中面の地紋やポイントでキービジュアルとしても機能しています。
This book was exhibited at book fairs in Paris and London, so both English and French versions were produced, and the production of the poster and flier used in the exhibition booth was handled by our office.
This book, as the title of the series “I Know Japan” shows, is mainly dedicated to letting people see “Japanese culture,” and its cover is designed so that readers can feel “Japanese style” directly. The rising-sun motif, title in gold foil letters, and tea flower symbols play important roles in it. Tea flower symbols, which are used as background patterns on an inside page or in other places, also function as key visual elements.
This book, as the title of the series “I Know Japan” shows, is mainly dedicated to letting people see “Japanese culture,” and its cover is designed so that readers can feel “Japanese style” directly. The rising-sun motif, title in gold foil letters, and tea flower symbols play important roles in it. Tea flower symbols, which are used as background patterns on an inside page or in other places, also function as key visual elements.

L:Frech version R:English version

This book is composed of parts titled “Tea Processing,” “Tradition,” “Tea-ceremony Room,” “Café,” “Tea Utensils,” and “Sweets,” and at the end of each part tracing paper is used. The backside of each tracing paper is printed in white ink, and has a round-shaped window which allows you to see part of the photograph on the title page. The styles of kanji letters related to the contents are originally designed.

In the poster, a photo trimmed in a round shape just like the one on the cover of the book, and the tea flower motif used in the book are re-composed and reused, so that the two have the matching design.

flyer for exhibition