NHK Eテレ「おかあさんといっしょ」の人形劇「ファンターネ!」のタイトルロゴデザイン、および劇中に登場するファンターネ島のシンボルのデザインをtegusuで担当しました。

The title logo design of the puppet show "Fantane!" on NHK(Japan's national public broadcasting organization)'s "Okaasan to issho " a japanese national educational TV program and the symbol of Fantane Island that appears in the TV show. Fantane Island is home to all kinds of imaginary creatures, animals, insects and even genderless plants. With the themes of 'species' and 'diversity', the story follows the activities of Mimomo, a kappa girl, Yakoro, a gourd child, and Lucita, a lion boy.​​​​​​​

©NHK / Character Design:Masato Ohata

Client : NHK Educational Corp.

Title Logo & Symbol Design : Masaomi Fujita / tegusu Inc.

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