PHOTO by Kamila Szuba
TAJFUNY is a Polish publisher & bookstore that handles Asian literary work. With a mission to translate mainly Japanese books into Polish in order to spread its allurement, they opened their store in Warsaw in October, 2018. We had been in charge of the design for their brand identity symbol mark, along with the branding tools, promotion visuals for social media, and book design for their publications.


We believe that it is not only the twisting waves of the “typhoon”, but also the Seigaihamon used in many Japanese patterns, and the image of Fugaku Sanjurokkei, or Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji, by Katsushika Hokusai that is associated with Asia and Japan. The TAJFUNY team and we came to the conclusion that symbolizing these pattern of the wave would be the quickest way to convey the brand vision and the Asian-ness.This symbol is created with a circle in the center and geometric figures, but like the logo type, it is created based on a representing geometric font “Futura” which can give a minimal impression even when displayed on its own.

Carolina, the owner of TAJFUNY(Left) and business partner Anna (Right) PHOTO by Filip Skroń


これらのブランドの紹介は、46ページにわたるブランドガイドラインに記載されています。ロゴの使用法、フォントやカラーとその色の持つ意味、提供するグラフィクモチーフなどを体系的にまとめています。TAJFUNYから出版第一号の書籍デザインでは、私たちは使用フォントとそのコンポジション、レイアウトフォーマットなどを提供しています。表紙に使用するアートワークの選定やエディトリアルデザインはポーランドのチーム(to / studio )で行なっています。
The introduction of these brands are shown in 46 pages in the brand guideline. We have systematically organized the usage of logos, the font and coloring, as well as the meaning behind those colors, and the graphic motif we provide. In the first book design from TAJFUNY’s publication, We have provided the font rules, composition, and layout format. The artwork used for the cover and the editorial design has been done by the Polish team “ to / studio “.

店舗デザインもポーランドチーム(Sara Świda, Pracownia Tryktrak)によるもので、ブランドのメインカラーであるブルーのファサードとウッドルーバーが美しいデザインになっています。
The design for the store is also by a Polish team, “ Sara Świda, Pracownia Tryktrak “, beautifully using the brand’s main color blue façade and wood louvre.

PHOTO by Filip Skrońc
At the opening reception. The store seemed to have been flooded with people, and Japanese food such as rice balls, “onigiri”, and dumplings, “dango”, were served.

PHOTO by Kamila Szuba
Store concept design, Interior design : Sara Świda
Design, Construction : Pracownia Tryktrak
Editorial Design of "Zmierzch" : to/studio
Top image & Store event photo : Kamila Szuba
Profile photo : Filip Skrońc
Direction, Design : Masaomi Fujita / tegusu Inc.
Editorial Design of "Zmierzch" : to/studio
Top image & Store event photo : Kamila Szuba
Profile photo : Filip Skrońc
Direction, Design : Masaomi Fujita / tegusu Inc.