山形県長井市に本拠地を置くSanno Plan Printingは、印刷業を主軸にWEBやデザイン制作、地域PR誌の発行や情報サイトの運営など、総合的な制作業務を担う、35年以上地元で愛される企業です。同社の2016 年の会社リブランディングに伴い、代表の小関幸一氏から会社案内の制作協力を請け、媒体コンセプトや冊子の仕様について議論を進めていきました。
Sanno Plan Printing is a company based in Nagai-shi, Yamagata Prefecture, which has been beloved by local people for over 35 years. The company provides comprehensive production services, including website production and designing, issuance of local PR magazines, and operation of information websites. As part of the rebranding that the company went through in 2016, Koichi Koseki, the head of the company, requested that we produce the company brochure. We discussed matters like the media concept and the specifications of the brochure.

もともと地域に密着した「情報価値創造企業」として地元を愛し、地元企業とのコミュニケーションに重点を置いてきた同社。会社案内も自社の宣伝を行う一方的なものではなく、地元愛が伝わるものにしようという話し合いの末、地元密着のビジュアル誌「SANNO PRESS」が完成しました。情報を盛り込まず、写真をふんだんに使用しその土地の雰囲気がダイレクトに伝わるような誌面作りを目指しました。同社の印刷品質の高さも同時に伝わるものに仕上がっています。
Sanno is a company which has always loved the local community as a community-based “information value creation company,” and has prioritized communications with local companies. In our discussion, we decided to make the corporate brochure something from which people can feel their love for the local community, not a form of media just to advertise the company one-sidedly. As a result, a local-based visual magazine, “SANNO PRESS” was born. Our goal was to create a brochure that lets the readers directly feel the atmosphere of the land with a plenty of photos but without too much information. It also proves how high the company’s printing quality is.

The first issue features the charm of Nagai-shi, which is where the company is located. In this issue, you can check out the views from the Flower-Nagai Line, which is a symbol of the city. In addition, Mr. Koseki himself introduces people and shops that contribute to the liveliness of the city.
We hope that the upcoming issues will keep revealing the charm of the area, and that Sanno will continue growing as a company that locals love.

Client : Sanno Plan Printing Co., Ltd.
Art Direction, Design : Masaomi Fujita, tegusu Inc. (藤田雅臣 株式会社tegusu)
Photographer : Yoshiro Hayakawa (早川佳郎)
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