「Okra」は、Akari, Inc.が提供するWEBサイト作成のためのCMSソリューションで、HTMLなどWebの専門知識不要で、美しいWebページを簡単に作成・更新することができるサービスです。グローバルサイト構築・運用のための機能がデフォルトで装備されているほか、SNSやアプリなどあらゆるデバイス・プラットフォームに対応して情報発信が行える仕様など、現代の多様化したコミュニケーションに相応しい新世代CMSです。
Okra is a CMS solution for creating a website provided by Akari, Inc. that allows you to create and update beautiful web pages easily without expert knowledge of web pages such as HTML. In addition to the default functionality for building and operating a global website, the new generation CMS suitable for modern diversified communication allows you to transmit information corresponding to all device platforms such as SNS and apps.

tegusuでは、本サビースのVIの開発をAkari Inc.のクリエイティブチームと共に行い、Okraの概念整理やキーワードの抽出、シンボルやロゴタイプの作成、カラースキームの策定などを担当しました。
tegusu worked with the creative team of Akari Inc. to develop VI of this service and took charge of organizing Okra concepts, extracting keywords, creating symbols and logotypes, and creating color schemes.

Relationships between "Okra" vegetables and "Okra" CMS service
We first worked to clarify the merits of Okra by linking them to the characteristics of "Okra" that is the origin of its name.
We first worked to clarify the merits of Okra by linking them to the characteristics of "Okra" that is the origin of its name.

1 - ネバリがある(食材同士をつなげるネバリ)=関係をつなげる:直感的で誰でも使いやすいサービスだからこそ多くの人と人との関係を生みだし、情報発信者、制作者、生活者をつなぐ有機的なネットワークをつくることができる。
1 - Sticky (stickiness connecting food ingredients) = As this is an intuitive and easy-to-use service that connects relationships, it is possible to create relationships between many people and create an organic network that connects information providers, producers, and consumers.

2 - 色んな料理に使える(万能食材)=柔軟性が高い:どんな人にもフィットする操作性やあらゆるシチュエーションを想定した機能など、その柔軟性で業種を問わず様々なウェブサイトを開発できる。
2 - Usable for various dishes (all-purpose ingredients) = High flexibility : A variety of websites can be developed across industries with flexibility such as operability that everyone can use and functions that assume various situations.

3 - 育てやすい(短期間で場所を取らず簡単に育つ)=ビジネスを成長させる:動作がスムーズで、ウェブサイト制作ビギナーでも簡単に扱え、運用もしやすいツールで、ビジネスを効率的に成長させることができる。
3 - Easy to grow (growing easily in a short time without taking space) = grow the business : You can grow your business efficiently with the tool that works smoothly and can be easily handled and operated by beginners in website building.

4 - 免疫力を高める(外的や異物の侵入から身を守る)=安心・安全:常時SSL対応:ウェブサイトの主要な脆弱性に対して対策を実施しており、安全に利用できるセキュリティ対応を行なっている。
4 - Boost the immune system (Protect yourself from external and foreign intrusions)? = safe and secure : Always on SSL. We have implemented measures against major vulnerabilities on websites and conduct security measures for safe use.

5 - 世界共通で「オクラ」(「okra」として様々な国で食されている)=グローバル多言語対国ごとに管理者権限を設定でき、数カ国にまたがるグローバルウェブサイトを 簡単に制作・運用できる。
5 - Worldwide "Okra" (eaten in various countries as "okra") = global : Multilingual. Administrator authority can be set for each country, making it easy to build and operate a global website spanning several countries.

The symbols were modeled on the cross-sectional structure of okra using pentagon and regular circle structures. It has a botanical and organic shape like okra while maintaining order (backed-up technology) and is finished with a symbol suggesting "flexibility," "degree of freedom," and "adaptive ability." Negative space contains a form reminiscent of cells "neurons" that compose the nervous system, specialized for information processing and transmission.

We adopted five colors in the image, such as friendliness, simplicity, ease of use, safety, and brightness. The color scheme has a high saturation, unique to display. The logotype is shaped with a motif of a circle constituting a symbol.

"Okra" website
Client : Akari, Inc. https://www.akariinc.com
Creative team : Akari, Inc. & tegusu Inc.
Direction, Graphic Design : Masaomi Fujita (tegusu Inc.)
Motion graphic : Yu Kuramoto (tegusu Inc.)
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